English Revision Classes for Year 12 Mainstream English to Prepare for the English Exam in October 2024

From Saturday September 21 to Sunday October 6, 2024 I am running one-on-one revision classes for Year 12 Mainstream English to prepare for the October 29 English Exam in Week 4 of Term 4.

All Classes are online using Zoom

The texts I will be covering are for Section A in the Exam:

  • Sunset Boulevard film by Director Billy Wilder
  • Oedipus the King play by Sophocles
  • Chronicle of a Death Foretold novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Much Ado About Nothing play by William Shakespeare
  • We Have Always Lived in the Castle novel by Shirley Jackson
  • The Memory Police novel by Yoko Ogawa
  • Go Went Gone novel by Jenny Erpenbeck
  • Bad Dreams short stories by Tessa Hadley
  • False Claims of Colonial Thieves poetry by Kinsella & Papertalk Green

Fees for one-on-one Lessons = $80 per 1 hour

Lessons include notes on the texts with essay scaffolding of prompts

Contact me to discuss a revision class tailor-made just for you:

Via email = contact@englishtutorlessons.com.au

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